For the sixth consecutive year, the online community in Romania was held on September 27 at the Webstock 2013 conference the largest local social media. The event took place at the JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel and was a 12-hour marathon which attracted a total of over 600 participants.
In the event study results were presented State of Social Media Employment, Evensys conducted in collaboration with HR Portal. The study is conducted for the third consecutive year and presents an analysis of wage specialists in Social Media.
The initiative started from the desire to rely on more than just disparate views and to gather as much information from experts in this new field, so that we can begin to identify current market trends. In the first two years we have collected such data from employees who have responsibilities in Social Media, this year we completed the picture with responses received from 10 companies that have a social media department or staff dedicated to this specialization.
Most of Social Media roles are new, the number of specialists is still small, but witnessing a field that is just in training, which continues to grow from year to year. I wanted to identify some margin salary specializations that lead to this type of role and see what are the correlations between the level of seniority and the salary package offered.
The analysis was performed only at the quantitative and survey findings to an overall positive:
- The level of wages in 2013 compared to 2012 remained constant, which is positive in a context where there are further specializations in the labor market where wage levels fell further.
- Experience makes a difference, specialists with over 2 years experience in the area of Social Media have significant differences from the fresh entrants in the industry.
- There is much more interest in Social Media figures increased volume of reports required by other departments, which confirms the possible future development.
We hope that from year to year based on market specialistidin SICAR participate in this study to be increasing, so the relevance of this approach to gain a salary survey in the true sense of cuvantuluisi we can identify as many trends that help us in understanding a training markets, such as the social media experts.